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  • Create Date June 4, 2020
  • Last Updated June 11, 2020

Deuterium Depletion May Delay the Progression of Prostate Cancer

Authors: András Kovács, Imre Guller, Krisztina Krempels, Ildikó Somlyai, István Jánosi, Zoltán Gyöngyi, István Szabó, István Ember, Gábor Somlyai
Deuterium-depleted water (DDW) is a new promising agent in cancer therapy. The efficiency of the method is based on the discovery, that cancer cells are extremely sensitive to depletion of deuterium (D) and might cause necrosis of the tumour. The purpose of this study was to show the efficacy of D-depletion in prostate cancer (PC) patients. In the double blind, four-month-long, randomized Phase II clinical trial the daily water intake was replaced with DDW in 22 PC patients. Other 22 PC patients took normal water while both groups received the same forms of conventional treatment. In the retrospective study, 91 DDW-treated PC patients were evaluated and median survival time (MST) in the subgroups was calculated. The time course of changes in DDW dose and PSA is presented in two cases. In the prospective trial seven patients in the treated group and one patient in the placebo group achieved partial response (p = 0.046). In the treated group, the net decrease in the prostate volume was three times higher (160.3 cm3 vs. 54.0 cm3; p = 0.0019), urination complaints ceased at a higher rate (8 vs. 0 patients, p = 0.0041), and the one-year survival rate was also higher (2 vs. 9 deaths; p = 0.034). The 91 retrospectively evaluated patients achieved an MST of 11.02 years, despite the fact that 46 of them suffered from distant metastasis. In the two monitored patients, drop of PSA level correlated with the DDW intake. In summary, D-depletion prolonged MST in patients with PC. The method proved to be safe thus its integration in the PC cure as an adjuvant or complementary therapy would be considered.

The Radioprotective Effect of Deuterium Depleted Water and Polyphenols
Determination of The Deuterium Distribution in Ethanol Derived from Fermentation of Grape Mustd, Concentrated Grape Musts, Rectified Concentrated Grape Musts and Wines by Application of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SNIF-NMR/RMN-FINS)

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