Relationship between Natural Concentration of Heavy Water Isotopologs and Rate of H2O2 Generation by Mitochondria
Authors: I. A. Pomytkin and O. E. Kolesova
Relationship between natural concentration of heavy water isotope homologs in natural water and the kinetics of H2O2 generation by isolated rat liver mitochondria in the presence of succinic acid as the substrate was studied. Natural concentrations of heavy water isotopologs significantly inhibited the studied reaction. The decrease in heavy isotopolog content in natural water leads to disinhibition and significant acceleration of the studied reaction.
Deuterium Depletion in Blood, Blood Plasma and Neoplasm Tissue From Patients. Diagnosis and Treatment Implication.
The Influence of Deuterium Depleted Water on the Hematocrit and the Leukocyte Formula in Rats Intoxicated With Chromium
Relationship between Natural Concentration of Heavy Water Isotopologs and Rate of H2O2 Generation by Mitochondria
Authors: I. A. Pomytkin and O. E. Kolesova
Relationship between natural concentration of heavy water isotope homologs in natural water and the kinetics of H2O2 generation by isolated rat liver mitochondria in the presence of succinic acid as the substrate was studied. Natural concentrations of heavy water isotopologs significantly inhibited the studied reaction. The decrease in heavy isotopolog content in natural water leads to disinhibition and significant acceleration of the studied reaction.